Howard From Fab Scout Dies

Put away the Kleenex and whiskey. Howard Andrew the talent manager from lives on. He did however die in his role as Uncle Dave in the opening scene of Brent Everett porn epic Little Big League 4: Grand Slam. Apparently, it’s not just a locker room fuck flick, it’s also a heartbreaking murder mystery with lots of ass sex. Everett avenges the death of his beloved uncle—with just a hint of Star Wars and Star Trek. It’d be a lot sadder were it not for the chocolate corn syrup pouring from Howard’s wound. It doesn’t look like he’s been bashed by a baseball bat, it looks like he fell into a melted Hershey’s bar. Death is sweet, especially when it involves high fructose corn syrup.

Sep 15, 2010 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!