Ask QC: My Secret Bi Fuckbud Is Going Straight On Me!

Hey QueerClick!

Dear QC,

I met a guy last month that is my idea of perfection. He is tall, brown hair, blue eyes, gorgeous, sexy body, and… “straight.”

We talked a lot after we met and then one night out of the blue he told me how he was attracted to me. He said that I was different and he didn’t know what it was, but that he wanted to hook up with me. Now, this guy is very well known by our mutual friends, and he said that while he wanted to be with me, it would all have to be kept under wraps. Obviously, I couldn’t imagine my luck and agreed. We hooked up a couple of more times after this and each time was amazing and erotic and I loved every second of it.

Now, he said he loved me after our first hook up and for a while after. I’m not stupid, obviously he did it just to get with me, but I couldn’t help but want to believe him. It is now a month later, and while our last “hook up” was a week or two ago, I can’t help but notice he’s been getting distant. Certain comments he’ll make that hurt my feelings, which he probably doesn’t intend, and just the fact that he always talks about girls, even when it’s just me and him.

My problem is that I hang out with him nearly every week, see him probably every other day, and I don’t want to let go of him. A perfect guy that wants to have sex with me? Hello!? But now he’s talking about getting a girlfriend and how he’s been talking to some girl and may decide to date her. I don’t know if he knows it hurts me, but I can’t help but cry inside and feel like shit when I think about the guy I’ve been seeing for a month being with some skank.

QC, I don’t know what to do. I want to be with him, and abviously he has an attraction to me that still goes on, but he’s “straight!”

Please help 🙁

Perfect guy, eh? Maybe not. All of his closety “I love you” stuff and girl talk sounds like the makings of an emotionally immature young guy, but we can definitely understand wanting to stay with a hot piece, even if he’s got some issues. But what do you think QueerClickers? Can John find any happiness or closure with his bi-curious beau? What’s the best way John’s pal can let John know how he feels? And how can John deal with the situation seeing as his friend is also a regular part of his social circle? So many aspects and lots of room for your advice and experience, so please share them in the QComments section.
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Dec 22, 2010 By paperbagwriter 16 Comments