Ask QC: Is Cybersex considered having an affair?

Ask QC

Hey guys,

If you are in a long term committed relationship, is it considered having an affair if you meet someone on line, have them make a mold of their erect cock, mail it to you and then you fuck yourself with it?


Thanks for your question Rembert! A while back a reader asked is webcamming cheating and that elicited a strong range of views! And although these circumstances are different, there are some similarities with both questions. So under these circumstances, is this situation considered having an affair? Or is there enough disconnect to consider this just some cybersex fun? If you can help Rembert answer any of these questions and more, or have any other advice to offer him, then please leave your opinions, experiences, and advice in the QComments section.
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Dec 05, 2011 By Tim 25 Comments