Ask QC: First Love and First Breakups

Ask QC

Hey QC,

I fell hard for my first love. We were together for 4 months before I went away to school. After I left for school, our relationship just fell apart. I did all I could to save us, but things were never the same after the initial breakup.

It has been one month since I broke up with him, and now I am really struggling with the loss. I am away from home for the next 4 months and when I return, I plan on trying to rekindle the flame.

Any advice or just encouragement for a broken heart?

Thank you.


Hi RWH and thanks for your question and concerns. Sorry to hear of you’re relationship difficulties. I’m sure there are plenty of guys here who’ve been faced with a similar situation to yours and can share their tips and advice on mending a broken heart! So, dear QC readers, have you been able to successfully maintain a ‘distance relationship’? Were you able to patch things up again after a split? What qualities does it take to endure a relationship where both parties are apart for lengthy periods of time? If you can help RWH in any way with your own experiences, then please share your wisdom and advice with all in the QComments section.
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Nov 05, 2012 By Tim 4 Comments