Chaos Men: Ace and Vander – RAW on QCX

Chaos Men: Ace and Vander - RAW
‘Ace’ and Vander had been seeing each other for many months. They have been doing the whole long-distance relationship thang. Not sure we would say “boyfriends” what with each of them living on opposite ends of the country, but you will quickly see that these two guys are totally enamored with each other.
Bryan basically let them do whatever they wanted and chased them around with a camera. A couple times he did have to remind them to “let us in” so we could see what was happening, but overall this is just one steaming hot sex scene where they get to finally have sex after not seeing each other for a couple months.

Read on, my dear … on QueerClick X.

Jan 25, 2013 By Jo Write a comment!