Levi Karter’s Boyfriend is Evan Parker

Earlier this week, we introduced you to Levi Karter, the newest face you think about while having sex with your boyfriend. We’re happy to report a piece of news so saccharine-sweet that you’ll find yourself in line behind Paula Deen at the insulin clinic: Levi Karter and fellow newbie Evan Parker are dating. I suppose I can take a break from my usual ornery spinsterhood to find this adorable. It doesn’t hurt that they’re both incredibly sexy, of course.

The two have been tweeting and retweeting each other endlessly; it’s the cyber fairytale we all pretend we don’t want but secretly wish would happen to us. In addition to fielding endless twitter questions, the two have also taken to posting adorable pictures. Of course, the great tragedy is that they’re both exclusive to different studios, so the odds of a collaboration are slim. However, I’d be more than happy to produce/direct their forthcoming sextape, ‘One Night in Levi.” Think about it, you two.

And if i know anything, it’s that you guys are bursting at the seams to hear about their sex life. We’ll let these tweets speak for themselves and leave you to speculate/masturbate over the proper configuration of top/bottom.

Two final orders of business. First, we need to settle on an official portmanteau couple name (Levan? Evi? Brangelina 2?). Second, of course, we need to start speculating about possible baby names (Theirs seems like a pretty traditional pairing, so I’m thinking Jason for a boy, Bookcase for a girl). Thoughts?

Jan 29, 2013 By will 21 Comments