Jeremy Lin and Chandler Parsons: The Perfect Bromance


Earlier this week, QCAsians posted about the NBA Bromance between Jeremy Lin and Chandler Parsons. The two play for the Houston Rockets and appear to have fallen head over heels in love. It’s one of the cutest bromances ever seen on Planet Unicorn.


The couple is known as LinSons on the interwebz (seriously, there’s a Tumblr tag). LinSons is so adorable that last fall, Chandler let Jeremy crash on his couch while he was waiting for his furniture to be delivered. In spite of the fact that they both make gigantic NBA salaries and could easily afford a hotel room. Suspicious, no? Did Jeremy really sleep on the couch that night, or did he crawl into bed with his buddy? The world may never know, but we can all guess pretty easily.
Check out this adorable picture of Chandler with Jeremy’s bobble-head doll. That’s sort of like a sex doll, right? Plus there’s an endless number of gifs floating around of the two doing all sorts of adorable things.

We even found this (ridiculous) wordpress dedicated to Lin/Chandler bromance fanfiction! This couple should just come out of the closet, already. Haven’t they heard the news? It’s totally cool to be gay in the NBA now. We can’t wait for their sex tape. They could be the next Pamela and Tommy Lee!

May 16, 2013 By will 28 Comments