Ask QC: How can something so natural feel so wrong?

Ask QC

Dear Ask QC,

I’m 22 years old and have been watching gay porn for several years now, but am still confused by my feeling towards it.

I guess I’ve been brought up the “normal” American way, school, church, etc but even after all these years I feel a terrible conflict with what I am doing and who I am.

By that I mean that even though I totally love watching porn and it brings me to fantastic orgasm’s (which I find amazing) I have these horrible and terrible feelings of guilt afterwards. I’m so confused how something that feels so totally natural to me can also feel so wrong too.

I’m not out to my family but a few very close friends know I’m gay but I don’t feel comfortable discussing this with them. I am a bit introverted and shy, the quiet studious type and I’ve never really dated or had much experience with guys either.

I’m really open to any advice on this and how I can get over these deep feelings of guilt and move along with my life – seems so hard and confusing at the moment and that makes me so sad at times 🙁

Thanks so much for helping,

SD xoxo

Hi SD and thanks for your questions especially on a topic that is close to our hearts. Views on pornography and adult entertainment vary as much as the different types of genres out there. And so what seems fine to some may not be so to others. If that’s a matter or taste, upbringing or sexual orientation or a combination of many other factors it’s not always plain to see. But you’ve come to the right place to get advice on this topic! So, dear QC readers, what tips and advice can you give SD? If you can help him in any way, then please share your wisdom and advice with all in the QComments section!
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Sep 30, 2013 By Tim 10 Comments