Ask QC: I need a Doctor I can talk to

Ask QC

Dear Ask QC,

I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for 5 years. We enjoy our sex life a lot, only recently I’ve was given a diagnosis of Irratible Bowel Syndrome. Due to this I have developed anal fissures which break open and bleed from anal sex.

I havn’t found a Doctor that I’ve been able to have this conversation with. Any suggestions on how to find a Doc that will help me out? Does anyone know what the Dr. will suggest? Surgery?

Thanks, M.

Hi there M and thanks for writing in with you questions and concerns. No doubt there will be other readers who have had the same medical condition that you have identified. And there will be others here who can point you in the right direction to find a suitable Doctor or Specialist. So dear QC readers, what tips and advice can you give M? If you can help him in any way, then please share your wisdom and advice with all in the QComments section!
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Jan 20, 2014 By Tim 6 Comments