Ask QC: I have a horrible gag reflex!

Ask QC

Dear Ask QC

I have a horrible gag reflex….even when brushing my teeth I will start to cough and gag. Is this something that I could be taught to overcome, or is it genetic?

I have straight friends who can deep throat a 7″ banana and I’m like, “Damn! What a waste of talent!” but I start coughing and spitting and choking somewhere around two!

I’d love to be able to take a cock down my throat, but I don’t know how! I’ve tried practicing with different fruits and vegetables, I even had one of my BFFs let me try practicing on him and he said he’d kick my sorry ass out of bed šŸ™

Any suggestions?


Hi there TMK and thanks for writing in with your question. Gagging is a natural reflex reaction which can be difficult to overcome and especially off putting during oral sex . But you are not alone in this and we are very sure that there are ways to reduce or eliminate this problem. So dear QC readers, what tips and advice can you give TMK? Has this happened to you before and were you able to overcome it? If you can help him in any way, then please share your wisdom and advice with all in the QComments section!
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Jan 13, 2014 By Tim 5 Comments