QComedy Corner: The Very Best/Worst Gay Porn Dialogue

In today’s world of reality porn, where a quick chat about college grades and girlfriends is an inoffensive preamble to hot fucking, there isn’t a lot of olde worlde scripted dialogue to set the completely unrealistic scene. You know, the two guys who sound like they’re chewing marbles while trying to present an authentic interpretation of a mechanic, talking to another mechanic about spanners.
Fortunately, such gems are preserved for all to see on sites like YouTube, and the multi-part featurette below is sure to give you some good laughs.

Inch by Inch, from Falcon Studios:

Mismatched eyelines and line delivery that has missed the post:

Simply the worst:

“What’s a glory hole?”

You may remember this, from last week’s Jeff Stryker retrospective:


Not gay porn as such, but pretty hard to watch:

Any we’ve missed?

Jan 21, 2014 By joey 8 Comments