Ask QC: My parents made me leave home because I’m gay

Ask QC

Dear QC,

So I came out to my family this last week and all hell broke loose. Unfortunately my parents (in particular my Mom) freaked out and made me go to the clinic for STD and HIV tests.

Even though these are all negative they have told me I have to leave home, because they don’t agree with my lifestyle. Their initial reaction was that I must be diseased so I have to leave home, but now they know I am clear they are saying I’m immoral and there is no place in the family for someone like me.

I’m more disappointed than angry because I am still a student and I don’t have any money, I’m staying with friends now until I can find a job and get my own place.

Do you think there is any way I can persuade my parents that I can return home, or is there no point? At the very least I would like to reconcile with them and be accepted, I miss my home life, especially my brothers and sisters.

I would appreciate any advice, thanks.



Hi Caine and thanks for writing in with your questions and concerns. Sorry to hear that your parents have reacted in such a way and hope you are able to resolve the situation. Coming out, especially to conservative parents can be difficult and not always go as planned but you have been courageous in doing so. And its impressive and admirable that even after being forced to leave the family home you want to reconcile with your parents. So, dear QC readers, have any of you been in a similar situation as Caine before? What tips and advice can you give him? If you can help him in any way, then please share your wisdom and advice with all in the QComments section!
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Feb 24, 2014 By Tim 10 Comments