Ask QC: He’s not that great in bed – should I tell him?

Ask QC

Hi AskQC,

Last year I finally got out of a long term (5 years) abusive relationship, it took a while but I’ve met a wonderful man who really adores me and looks after me so well.

The thing is, from my late teens all the way through to my late 20’s (I’m 34 now) I slept around a lot. I had a lot of amazing sex, I don’t regret that but my behaviour was a bit wild and it’s not something I’ve told my current man about.

So everything is fine with my guy, apart from in the bedroom. He’s OK, but its not exactly mind blowing, and its more than a little annoying that he tells me what a sexpert he is and how good he is. If only he knew!

And thats my problem, should I tell him? I’ve tried coaching him, but he just ignores that and say’s he knows whats best, and I’m like but yes I like it better this way or that way, or lets try this, etc, etc. But he’s just straight in there, hardly any foreplay or kissing, fucks and thats it.

After getting out of a long term relationship (that had eventually turned abusive, both physically and mentally towards me) its been such a relief to find a nice guy like this. We really are compatible on so many levels, but the bedroom thing is bugging me, I still enjoy sex but I don’t want to hurt his ego by telling him he’s not that great in bed, any suggestions?

Love you guys at QC, muacks, Ben xoxo

Hi Ben and thanks for writing in with your questions and concerns. We all want to have sexcitement in our lives dont we? And if its sexual ideas you’re after then you’re definitely in the right place for that! So, dear QC readers, what tips and advice can you give Ben? If you can help him in any way, then please share your wisdom and advice with all in the QComments section!
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May 26, 2014 By Tim 7 Comments