Here’s What Your Men Are Saying Amidst The COVID-19 Situation!

Here's What Your Men Are Saying Amidst The COVID-19 Situation!

No one can truly be spared from the pandemic. See how the men of gay porn are reacting to the new corona virus situation.

With all these chaos that are currently happening, everyone seems to be feeling a lot of emotions. From muscle gays who are worried with their gyms closing to circuit party-goers who are gonna cope up with staying indoors for an indefinite amount of time. Our gay porn personalities are not exempted from this sitch. See how they are reacting with the corona virus scare.

It is still more work for Wolf Hudson.

Angel is basically lamenting for people who don’t have access to basic medical necessities in this trying times.

This is how Dallas Steele prepared for the lockdown.

Despite the threat, this is Sergeant Miles‘ take on the issue.

Gyms may be closed but Beaux Banks still finds ways to keep himself fit.

Here is Roman Todd‘s.

Director Mr Pam watches the news in Spain where their team was supposed to film.

Just like most of us, Dario chooses to stay at home.

Meanwhile, Austin Avery has a little treat for all of the ones who are killing time.

Can you give Elio some good movie suggestions? Tell us in the comments below!

Johnny Rapid caused a little stir with this tweet.

Being self-protective from the virus is clearly Kevin‘s priority.

Paul Cassidy shows you some workouts you can do while staying at home.

Paul Cassidy

Josh Moore wants to help out.

Josh Moore

Lastly, Lev Ivankov wants to make sure that he’s not gotten the virus. Do the same too if you are feeling the symptoms or if you think you may have been exposed to the virus.

How about you QueerClick readers? What preventive measures are you doing during this situation? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!

Mar 17, 2020 By Miguel 2 Comments