
Hi guys, a short note to keep everyone posted about the bandwidth issue.
We are in the midst of sorting that out and perhaps a change of webhost to better accomodate the high traffic QueerClick receives. Unfortunately the webhosting plan we’ve subscribed to comes with a fixed bandwidth and the site gets automatically “cut off” when a predetermined maximum daily quota has been reached unless additional bandwidth is bought. This is to prevent “site leech” (jargon our webhost threw at us!) and prevent site owners from paying through their noses if the traffic hits through the roof.
The extra bandwidth we’ve acquired two days ago to last us till the end of the month has already been completely used up, so we’ve bought some more and hopefully that will cover us good.
During this period, you might experience some “downtime” of the site if the new daily quota has been reached as well.
We’re currently negotiating for the most reliable plan and best deal with a couple of webhosts. Thanks to those who have written in with your webhost recommendations. We will consider all of them. We seek your understanding and continued visits during this period.
Thank you. =)

Mar 25, 2005 By Editor D 2 Comments