D.C. Wooten’s Vintage Photos

Retro Fantastic Photos on Flickr.com
Flickr.com is full of personal and found photos of hot guys, but we’re especially enthralled by Deak Wooten’s amazing vintage collection of men. With an excellent eye for beauty, Wooten has amassed more than 2000 actual photos (and another 2000 digital images) over the years from antique shops, shows, eBay auctions and friends. What he chooses to post is not only incredibly erotic, but a fascinating glimpse into attitudes about nudity and the charming playfulness that existed between these men. Whether it be the once common occurrence of nude swimming at the YMCA, naked roughhousing with military buddies, or a subtle portrait of two overs from 1930s, we find DCWooten’s Flickr Photostream a validating glimpse into our history as gay men… and gay men who appreciate a dirty photo now and then!

Oct 20, 2005 By redmonkey 5 Comments