GLBT News From Around The World.

Each week, QC will be bringing you GLBT News from around the world. At QC, we strive to bring you the best in adult sites, pictures, and gayness. So now we are adding some news to help keep you informed of what’s going on in our world. This saves you the long searches of finding what is going on right now and the top headlines that effect our community. Please feel free to discuss the articles and or offer opinions or your views. QC is always interested in what you think and have to say. I was asked to start adding some commentary to each news item. I have done so with each as a “My Take On It.”
Clint Eastwood’s son is alleged to have had a gay affair
Clint Eastwood’s son is alleged to have had a gay affair.
New York estate agent Sam Kelley has claimed he enjoyed an intimate affair with musician Kyle Eastwood during Kyle’s 14-year marriage to model Laura Gomez.

My Take on it: Bitter Ex “Table for one.”

Ban on Gay Pride Parade in Moscow Threatens All Human Rights — HR Group
By banning a gay pride parade in Moscow, city mayor is threatening civilian freedoms and a civilian society, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a letter to Yuri Luzhkov Monday, and called on Moscow authorities to allow the parade.

My take on it: Oppression seems to be the word of the day with this particular instance. I think the International HR Org’s need to get on this and apply some serious pressure.

Catholic Church and Gay Adoptions
The state’s Catholic bishops are trying to get an exemption to anti-discrimination laws, but Governor Mitt Romney has said he would not grant the church an exemption.

My Take on it: I think this particular group has no stance and are hypocrites. I don’t think they will succeed and frankly as a Christian I don’t give a shit about, “a serious breach between the lay board and the archdiocese.” I think that’s secular jargon for prejudice.

Group push for gay emergency pack?
A gay council group in West Hollywood is suggesting an lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender specific emergency pack in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster.

My Take on it: I think this is a ridiculous idea. We constantly scream about not being treated fairly and now they want a “pack” that is separatist?

Rallying for Their Rights: Teens denounce proposed gay-club ban.
They meet in secret after dinner at Wasatch Academy.
At the private boarding high school about a two-hour drive south of Salt Lake City, students are not allowed to publicly organize gay-straight clubs. But each week, some 15 students gather to discuss issues, such as state legislation to eliminate groups like theirs.

My Take on it: Congrats to all the youth who defend their freedoms. Stand up, be counted, be heard and let it be known you will not cower in the corner known as suppression.

Gay adoption gets a glance from leaders. State revisits 3-decade ban.
A three-decade ban on gay adoption, a conservative bulwark that sets Florida apart from all other states, crumbled ever so slightly Monday when a Republican committee chairman signaled his willingness to reconsider the policy.
Rep. Bill

My Take on it: Amen, it’s about time they recognize that we are not to be used as foster parents and then told we are not good enough to adopt! Keep shouting, we are being heard.

Transgender teacher gets OK from New Jersey school board.
To students at Eagleswood Elementary School in Eagleswood Township, N.J., she used to be Mr. McBeth. Now, after undergoing a sex change, 71-year-old Lily McBeth is ready to return to teaching as Miss McBeth.

My Take on it: The reach for change is taking hold. Greatness doesn’t depend on the package, greatness comes within. Teachers touch the lives, minds and hearts of children and what makes a teacher great is their passion to make a difference.

United Against Hate.
When Fred Phelps showed up in Fort Campbell, Ky., to blame the gays for Iraq War casualties, the region’s gay community found instant solidarity among Army wives and soldiers.
Even Melynda Bosch, who had said she’d comply with official demands to “stand down,” stood up in support of her husband. I realized then that the Westboro Baptist Church had done far more for gay rights in one week than I could have in years. When someone sees such naked hate and realizes that it reflects a part of their own heart, they’re faced with the possibility that maybe, just maybe, gay people are God’s people too.
The Westboro group came and went within 10 minutes. They’ll be forgotten within weeks. But those of us who stood together in the face of such hate and bigotry will never forget that day.
Thanks, Fred.

My Take on it: This story made my cup runneth over. Amazing how hate can bring everyone together. For those who thought giving attention to Fred Phelps and his pickets was a bad idea, read this story. The idiot is cutting off his own nose to spite his own ugly-distorted face of hate.

I would also like to give this link for other GLBT Christians or religious folk in our community. I found this read compelling.

Mar 01, 2006 By docfeel Write a comment!