Building your Glutes: 4 Steps To A Shapely Ass

Fit Talk
Since society has broken men up into two separate categories, either a “butt man” or a “boob man”, we as gays are somewhat left at a disadvantage, and can only really be “ass men”. We really can’t be cock men or vagina men because, well, we rarely ever get to see what one has hidden under those undies until we get into their bed…or car…or a bathroom stall. So we are left with what is visible from the get go
Since we as men are also very visually oriented, it is understandable why we would want a firm and round derrière. We want other people to take notice, and we want to be proud of our backside, even envied. The most eager bottom when confronted with a man who has a gorgeous ass, thinks: just for one night I could be a top or at the very least, versatile.
So here are some exercises and tips to getting a rounder firmer backside.
1) Squats: the foundation for building a gorgeous butt. They also work out the entire body as well, and because more muscles are being used in the exercise, more growth hormones are being released in the body to produce greater muscular gains. The key to doing a squat is to pretend you are going to sit down in a chair, or pretend you’re hovering over a public toilet that you don’t want to make direct contact with it. You need to stick your butt out, keep your feet firmly planted, push (keep pressure in) through your heels, and make sure your knees don’t extend pass your toes. It’s also important to keep your abdominals (core) tightened when doing this to protect your lower back.
2) Lunges: another great total body exercise, plus they get your heart rate up. If you are more advanced do walking lunges as it not only burns more calories but also makes the exercise more difficult. For the beginner, try doing them stationary so you get the movement right and really get a feel for the muscles that you should be working. Concentrate on keeping your steps moderate (don’t lunge too much or too little), so both knees should end up at approximately a 90° angle.
3) Deadlifts: mainly work out your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. The key to this exercise is to make sure you keep your back straight and slightly arched throughout the entire exercise. Keeping your core tight will help to accomplish this task. Rounding your back can cause some serious injuries. Just think of how you would arch your back when you’re in the doggy style position – that’s about the same type of arch and straightness you want.
4) Treadmill/Stairmaster: walking on a treadmill or on an incline will help to elicit some super glutes. the Stairmaster is also great for super glutes, just remember when you’re on the stairs to push through your heels and not your toes. Once you start pushing through your toes you start working your calves more than the gluteus maximus. Both of these are forms of cardio exercise so you will be working your glutes while burning off those calories and shedding off some unwanted fat.
Remember these are just a few exercises that can produce exquisite glutes but they are considered staples when it comes to working out your lower body and butt. The first three exercises don’t even require a machine, so all you need are some dumbbells or barbells and you’re already on your way to building a firmer and shapelier backside.

Dec 28, 2007 By Dave 5 Comments