QC & Sticky Sponsors FocusBoy

It’s quite rare that we find ourselves drooling over another gaycentric blog (and openly admitting it), but that’s what we will do for FocusBoy. The cool dudes pump out a chockful of really purty collages of the hottest boys from various industries. And ironically, we find ourselves anything but focused when viewing the site – we get so distracted by the random hotties! We like their work so much we’re thinking of tricking them into working for us (guys, if you’re interested hit us up and we’ll talkshop)! LOL.
In the meantime, QueerClick and Sticky have been made Category Sponsor (no prizes for guessing which Cat, haha) and now we’d like to send a shitload of traffic over by getting you guys to check out the sexy and exquisitely designed site.
Thanks Tommy (and I’m serious about hiring you!). Keep up the great work and here’s to working more closely together in the gaybourhood!

Feb 14, 2009 By Editor D Write a comment!