Ludovic Canot Models For Kustom Limited

Ludovic Canot Models For Kustom Limited
We recently found sizzling porn star Ludovic Canot (seen here fucking around with Cocky Boys Andrew) modeling for t-shirts and nothing for French company Kustom Limited. We’re not sure how having him recline naked on a leather chair and bear skin sells clothes, but we’re not asking questions.
We’re always happy to see porn stars modeling in ads (like when Leo Giamani posed for Rufskin) because they’re hot and because it means our boys are makin’ that dollar. Also it goes one step further to bridging the porn/fashion divide and possibly loosening uptight social-sexual mores. For example, if McDonald’s simply embraced the porn advertising campaign that Exterface recently laid out for them, a lot more gays would probably eat there. Or maybe we’d just crave Big Macs during sex. Either way, that’s good advertising.
Check out the Kustom Limited commercial starring Ludovic after the jump!

Jun 02, 2009 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!