QCA Game Quickie: Alter Ego


Imagine if you had a second chance to live your life all over again from start to finish. What would you change? Would you take school less seriously? Maybe get along better with your folks? How about masturbating with your school buddies to a porno mag? Would you have done that?
These are the life-changing decisions you must make in Alter Ego, an addictively simple online game that gives you everyday dilemmas (from birth until death) and lets you see the consequences of your actions. Fight the school bully? Experiment with sex and drugs early? Take revenge on an ex? Every choice you make effects your character rating and future situations with your family, friends, and lovers.
We died by tasting the bottle of sugary brown liquid as an infant, but wiser decisions will take you well into old age. And if you get sick of answering questions, you can always save your progress and play later. It’s a seriously fun game that’s sure to go viral. You’ll smile at your decisions and maybe even think a bit about the decision you make everyday in your real life.
Via Sticky.

Jun 29, 2009 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments