QC FYI: Jesus Was Hung Like This…

QC FYI: He Was Hung Like This...
Of course Jesus had a huge dong; it’s almost blasphemous not to think so. But not all of his followers are so happy with that revelation. A Catholic Church in Oklahoma has the above image of Jesus hung 10-feet tall above its main altar (where people kneel down to orally receive the body of Christ). What appears to be a huge God-cock is in fact sexy Jesus’ chiseled abs, says the church’s reverend. News OK has the story:

“The controversial crucifix has caused a deep divide among members of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, where it hangs above the main altar.

‘There are a couple people who have left the parish,’ said the Rev. Philip Seeton, the church’s pastor. ‘There are people in the parish who don’t like it and have stayed.’

Critics of the crucifix take issue with what appears to be a large penis covering Jesus’ abdominal area. Seeton said the portion of the crucifix in question is meant to be Jesus’ abdomen ‘showing distension’—not a penis.

Seeton said, ‘I’ve had people who have vocally said that that’s what they see there. I’ve had people who have been just as vocal who said that’s not what they’re seeing there.’

Janet Jaime, a local iconography artist who designed the crucifix, had no comment.”

We know Catholic churches can be very strict on how and when their congregants are allowed to have sex (only allowing str8 barebacking in the missionary position), so maybe it’s sexually frustrated members have seen Jesus sexually frustrated member hanging there right in front of them. It would make it hard to concentrate on the Good News, plus Latin is so boring sometimes. Maybe the Rev though he’d spice things up a bit with some sexy art! Talk about Idol worship.
Via Sticky.

Apr 15, 2010 By paperbagwriter 17 Comments