Recent Revelation: Ryan Raz Retires!

Recent Revelation: Ryan Raz Retires!
The parade of tears continues as power bottom, Ryan Raz announced his retirement from on-screen porn today on his blog. Below is the abbreviated version:

Over the past few months my attitude towards working in front of the camera has been changing. What was once exciting and thrilling has been changing into something that seems like a chore. I have continued to enjoy my travels and flying all over the world, but working in front of the camera no longer holds the same level of enjoyment that brought me there in the beginning.

When I first entered into the industry I had these ideas of being a big star and that everybody should love me because I did porn. These ideas quickly fell by the way side as I realized that in the great scheme of life, porn is just porn and holds no real value in my everyday reality. It has given me a new perspective on how I view the world and has also made me thankful that I didn’t enter the industry until after I completed my Bachelors degree, mainly because I feel at this point I was mature enough to make wise decisions.

While he no longer plans to do any additional filming, he said he would not “completely wash [his[ hands of the industry… never [to] be heard from again.” He will attend the Grabby Awards with hopes of getting some awards (because he worked his ass off for his nominations, he says, no pun intended). He also gives himself a well-deserved pat on the back for starring in 22 DVDs with 9 covers in an ever-shrinking DVD market. And he also gave props to Howard at Fab Scout for helping him work in 72 scenes! Ryan’s not kidding when he says he works his ass off—that boy’s taken more dicks that a detective agency.
But there’s more:

I love when I am home in NY and cut through Times Square and I have a tourist stop me and ask me if my name is Ryan, or to walk into a bar in Melbourne Australia and have locals ask me where they know me from… knowing that I have fans all over the world makes me smile… In the 14 months that I have had my web site / blog I have had over 250,000 different viewers from over 100 countries. Every day I get emails and messages on Facebook from people telling me that they enjoy my work and special things that they like about me. While I just see myself as a normal person, I still enjoy getting these messages.

Thanks to everybody who has made everything that I have today possible, and I hope that you continue to enjoy my work.

So there you have it. We wonder if he’ll take the route that other porn stars have and start working behind the camera. Or maybe he’ll write his memoirs and then come out of retirement like Malachi Marx and Diesel Washington. Anything so long as we get to see his smiling face just a little longer.
We’ll miss you Ryan, good luck!
You can still enjoy Ryan’s impressive body of work at his QC Fan Club page!

Apr 16, 2010 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment