Sites We Love: Five Things We Learned From Hung Like A…

Scale matters
It’s said there are two types of gay men: size queens and liars. If you’re a size queen (like us) you’ve probably seen loads of cockpics on Manhunt or DudesNude. And there’s always those pictures of guys who place their cocks next to other objects so you can see just how big they are. Well now there’s a blog exclusively for pictures like that Hung Like A… and while looking through it we learned a few things more the next time we indulge in cock-photography (or cocktography as we like to call it):
1) Scale matters – We’ve all held things like a bottle of Coke or a big-ass Jamba Juice, so if you wanna show off your size and you can match up, whip out your cack (yes, cack,) and take a pic! Be careful though, if you pick an object that’s a lot bigger than your cock (like a parking cone or a haggis) you might make your schlong appear tiny, dissuading guys from meeting you and persuading them to meet the nearest parking cone instead.
Measure with money!
2) Measure with money! – Here are two helpful hints: U.S. quarters are about 1-inch long and U.S. dollars are just above 6 inches long. You can help guys estimate your cock size by using money as a measure. Just put your cash where your cock is and let them work out the rest like a math problem: “If Dave can fit 7 quarters on his cock and wrap a ten-dollar bill around it, what are the length and circumference of his fat hog?”

Hold your cock next to stuff that's awesome -
3) Hold your cock next to stuff that’s awesome – What better way to make your cock look more alluring than to hold it next to things we crave like tubes of cookie dough, bottles of beer, and cigarette packs. If guys begin to associate your cock with refreshment and pleasure, they’ll be downing your tall boy and smoking your fag before you know it!
If you wanna make your dick look huge, place it next to something tiny -
4) If you wanna make your dick look huge, place it next to something tiny – You don’t have to be mega-hung to snag a size queen. Even a five or four-inch cock can look massive when placed next to a Chap Stick—you’ll put that shrimpy lip balm to shame. And if your cock is the size of a Chap Stick, refer to rule #3.
Creativity counts!
5) Creativity counts! – Keep in mind, there are literally thousands of these kinds of pics on the internet, so you’re gonna have to do something special if you want guys to notice you(r cock). Why not slip it into something more comfortable, like a woman’s shoe? Or use your cock as something butch, like a tool rack? You can show off your artistic side while also sending a suggestive message about other wild things you’re into (like drag shows and carpentry).

May 22, 2010 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments