Chinpoko Poll: Now That Prop 8’s Unconstitutional, You Wanna Get Gay Married?

Seventy percent of QueerClickers find sex with socks on very unsexy. But let’s get to the important news! Last November, Proposition 8 took away the right for gay couples to get married in California. Well, this week a Federal Judge Walker Vaughn declared the hateful law unconstitutional.
Our friends at The Sword published some porn star reactions to the judge’s decision, but we’re interested in your reactions. Now that gay marriages may soon resume in one part of the country, should we grab the rice or save it for dinner? What do you think? Think you’ll ever wanna get gay married?

More against Prop 8 on QC:
Scott Herman Raps Against Proposition 8
QCA Quickie: Prop 8 – The Musical
Why Did Prop 8 Win?
The QC Weekender – All About H8

Aug 08, 2010 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments