Everyone Wants A Piece of Vince Ferelli

There’s a bitchy saying that goes, “Women are half the reason I became gay; men are the other half.” It’s true, women are complicated. Sometimes they wanna keep a hot man all to themselves, dressed only in underwear and tied in the basement. Other times they wanna just want a piece of you—no… we mean like a literal piece.
Take Vince Ferelli for instance. He’s found himself the ideal woman. She’s a sexy red head who is good with knives, and can cook. Sadly she wants a piece of Vince Ferelli’s ass. We can empathize, but what she does with it is CRAY-CRAY!!! Hooray for bisexuality and all, but let this be a warning to straight-for-pay porn stars—sometimes hooking up with a woman can literally cost you an arm and a leg.
Actually, it’s just a teaser for a horror flick called Mother’s Blood. But still, we haven’t heard him scream this much since he got fucked by.

Oct 17, 2010 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!