Ask QC: How Do I Approach A Guy Who’s Hotter Than Me?

Here’s the deal. A friend of mine and I went out to the local country gay bar and he saw an hot ginger guy, very buff, young and good looking. This fella was with his friends, but he didn’t seem to be with anyone or hitting on anybody. Now, my pal ain’t nothin’ to sniff at—he’s pretty cute, in good shape, and a nice guy too—he’s just a little shy.

My friend spent forever talking to me about how he should approach the guy: what should he say, how can he strike up conversation, what won’t make him sound stupid or desperate. I told him to go up, shake his hand, introduce himself, and ask him on a date but my friend said that wasn’t smooth at all. “It’s a heck of a lot smoother than being a wallflower,” I told him. He finally went over to talk to the fella when I said, “Hot guys wanna get asked out too.”

It didn’t really work. The ginger guy was surrounded by his friends and so my pal couldn’t really get in there. And when he did, all he did was compliment the guy’s looks and the guy just smiled and said thanks without introducing himself or paying my friend another thought. It’s occurred to me that the ginger might’ve been a jerk, but how could my friend have made a better entrance?

A lot of guys get intimidated when it comes to approaching someone that’s really hot. I keep thinking, “Why would he like me? He can get any guy he wants,” and it’s real hard to shake that. It’s even harder when you wanna go up and try and meet them. It’s so tough that these days that I don’t even pursue men any more, I just let them approach me first. But how can a guy pump himself up and feel more confident when approaching a hot stranger? The advice would help lots of fellas, I bet.

It takes a lot of guts to approach a hot stranger and introduce yourself with the hopes of getting his phone number, but it often seems like a do-or-die situation. “Fortune favors the bold”, “Nothing ventured nothing gained” and all that. But what’s the best way to do it to come off as cool, confident, and casual as opposed to clueless? Calling all players and hot guys. The hot guys especially, what can a guy do to get your number or at least charm you a bit? We’ll take any insider tricks you can muster. Please share your advice and experiences in the QComments section.
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Mar 29, 2011 By paperbagwriter 19 Comments