World AIDS Day 2011

World AIDS Day 2011 with QueerClick and Next Door Buddies
[Editor’s Note: Next Door Studios will donate a percentage of all sales today to help raise AIDS awareness.]
Did you know that gay and bisexual men continue to be at considerably higher risk for HIV infection worldwide? A cure for HIV infection has not been found but thanks to recent advances in access to antiretroviral therapy, HIV-positive people now can control the virus and enjoy healthy and productive lives.
December 1st each year is World AIDS Day. This special day brings together people from around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. This year, QueerClick is very glad to have Next Door Studios and Until There’s A Cure coming together to produce a video message for all our QClickers.

Lowering your risk for HIV infection is really simple when you think about it: Use a condom. Know your status. Get tested. Stay safe and healthy QClickers!

Dec 01, 2011 By scotchtape Write a comment!