David Beckham Cops to Using Butt Double

These are dark days, QueerClickers. In his recent H&M commercial (below), David Beckham gets locked out of his house and has to run through the streets in his underwear, fulfilling his public nudity obligation for the year and giving gay teens wank material for months to come. The catch is, like everything else to come out of Hollywood in the recent past, the commercial wasn’t real! *Gasp!* H&M admits that Beckham used a body double, though they claim that it was strictly due to scheduling conflicts. If David Beckham of all people needs a butt double, what hope is there for us mere mortals? Is nothing sacred anymore?! See if you can spot the double after the jump.

Between this and Beyonce’s lip-synch fiasco, my world is upside down.

Feb 12, 2013 By will 10 Comments