Introducing MyBigLips, the Internet’s Next Viral Sensation

Xtube has introduced us to the next viral internet sensation. Seriously, you heard it here first, folks. Meet MyBigLips. MyBigLips is one of the weirdest (and by far the most interesting) xtubers we’ve encountered in a long time. He’s a slightly-nerdy looking white guy with giant muscles and the biggest set of lips we’ve ever seen. As Editor D notes on Sticky, he has a weirdly taught face (maybe from a ton of plastic surgery?) and a scraggly beard that bears scientific study. Oh plus, his xtube videos feature him jerking off while he peruses Craigslist. We genuinely have no idea what to make of this man, except that we couldn’t invent a more awesome internet celebrity if we tried.


I won’t speak for the rest of Team QC, but I’d marry MyBigLips in a heartbeat if he proposed. Especially if the ring were half as big as his lips.

Aug 06, 2013 By will 24 Comments