Chris Evans Trends on Twitter After Sharing an NSFW Image of What Might Be His Dick Pic!

Chris Evans Trends on Twitter After Sharing an NSFW Image!

Captain America is here to the rescue to end your cock cravings!

It was over the weekend when actor Chris Evans posted a story on Instagram that set the Twitter world ablaze. It was supposed to be a wholesomely fun clip of him with his sibs playing “Heads Up”. Chris may not have any idea how to post the video directly to his Instagram story so he instead screen record the clip from his Camera Roll.

This, however, also captured a part of his photo gallery and made it to his Instagram stories. The clip was later deleted but it was too late when fast handed Twitter users came in quickly to save the day for the thirsty ones.

It may be difficult to see the most talked about photo now that some of Chris‘ fans have been saving him from this sitch by flooding the “Chris Evans” thread with memes and jokes. So here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Chris Evans Trends on Twitter After Sharing an NSFW Image!

People have mixed opinions about the penis on his iPhone. Some say it’s not that big considering it’s already hard, some say it’s not hard yet. What do you think?

Chris Evans Trends on Twitter After Sharing an NSFW Image!

It’s exciting to think that we might have already seen Chris Evans’ hidden treasure but part of me is also asking “What if Chris just likes to save random dick pics his fans send him?” Isn’t that more arousing? What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments below!

Sep 13, 2020 By Miguel 12 Comments