
There are 4 posts for Commercial, the oldest from November 11, 2010.

Behold! The Gayest Beer Commercial In The World!

OK, so it’s not an ad for beer so much as an ad for a boot-shaped beer glass, but it’s still gay as blazes! The techno music, metal-studded shades, and shirtless beefcake in lederhosen got us hooked. Just one problem–apart from the guy drinking mayonnaise that is–we’re almost certainly not their target audience. Oh well… bottoms up!

05 Mar 11 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments

Best Commercial Ever Features Drunken Rugby Makeout

We have no idea what drunken rugby players making out has to do with a cell phone earpiece, but given how hot the guys are, we don’t even care. But if this commercial was really banned in the USA, it’s probably because of the pervy animated text at the end as much as for the kiss—oh you uptight Americans. A little kiss never hurt anybody (except for Jesus).

23 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments

Doritos Really Want Us Gays Face Down In Their Chip Bowl

First came the ad of the two men getting cozy in the sauna. And now Doritos has guys sucking on each other’s fingers, huffing each other’s pants like paint rags, and drooling over pool boys. Which ad exec at Doritos finally realized that queers eat their chips? Will these ads make us eat more food that makes your breath smell like you just at a 3-cheese pizza fiesta nacho special at Applebees? No, probably not. In fact, the real message of the commercials seems to be that Doritos are so good they’ll turn you gay. But either way—we’re for anything that encourages more man love on TV, especially without the immature homophobia and gross-out yuks.

25 Jan 11 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments

The Filthiest Towel Commercial Ever

First off, we didn’t even know towel commercials existed. Second off, we’ve never had our hair look as good as this guy’s when exiting the shower. Third, we actually like holding strange men’s balls, rubbing them all over our faces, and sniffing them but this commercial makes it seem gross somehow. Like they basically took a low-hanging wrinkly pair of Truck Nuts, added pubes and then had this guy put a curly hair in his mouth. If they were at least still connected to a guy, this would have been the hottest towel commercial ever. As it is though, it’s still definitely the gayest.

24 Nov 10 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments