Profile Picture Arpad Miklos

Arpad Miklos

There are 5 posts for Arpad Miklos, the oldest from November 11, 2010.

Chinpoko Poll: Are You Pro Or Anti-Circumcision?

Chinpoko Poll: Are You Pro Or Anti-Circumcision?
Hey everyone! It’s me, Chinpoko back with the results of another probing question. Last week asked how many of you mix drugs and sex. Of the drug-loving QClickers, 8% use booze and smokes, 10% prefer viagra and poppers, and 15% love partaking in free-love weed and mushrooms. Of those who do not mix drugs with dicks, 16% consider sex a strong enough drug on its own while 35% think those who regularly mix the two should seriously think about why they feel the need to. Sound advice—so put that in your pipe and smoke it!
This week week question is a cut above the rest. It and the poll are after the jump!

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25 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter 20 Comments

Lucas Entertainment: Gentlemen

Lucas Entertainment's Gentlemen
Over the course of the years, we’ve discovered there is something so sexy about men who dress is suits. There is an formal, fancy and a sign of strength is one’s business suit. And especially when a throbbing hard cock emerges out of a pair of dress pants. So we’re thrilled to learn that Lucas Entertainment is proud to introduce a new series of films entitled Gentlemen to is already super-hot roster of successful films.

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22 Feb 11 By redmonkey Write a comment!

Lucas Entertainment: Steven Daigle & Arpad Miklos are Men in Suits

Steven Daigle & Arpad Miklos are Men in Suits at Lucas Entertainment
Our two distinguished executives first share passing glances on the street outside and immediately recognize a shared sexual chemistry that has yet to be explored. It doesn’t take long for them to move their engagement to a more intimate location. Steven Daigle soon has Arpad Miklo’s uncut cock jammed down his experienced throat and Arpad doesn’t hesitate to return the favor. As the guys proceed to aggressively work over each other’s bodies, the clothes slowly come off. As the passion intensifies, Steven finds himself bent over presenting his sweet hole as Arpad ferociously devours it.

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09 Feb 11 By redmonkey 4 Comments

Chinpoko Poll: Have You Ever Had Sex With A Woman?

Have You Ever Had Sex With A Woman? Arpad Miklos has on Straight Guys For Gay Eyes
Hey everyone, it’s your favorite dick again! It’s a new week and I am hungry for action. And talking about hunger, last week I asked how many of you use food during sex. Surprisingly about 56% of you do, especially if it’s just a little sweetener to make the hard stuff go down. Y’know what they say, just a teaspoon of sugar makes a rancid cock taste like candy cane… or something.
Having sex with food might sound pretty weird to some of you, but what about having sex with a woman? I know, right… GASP! How shocking. C’mon… Arpad Miklos did it once and he’s gay as blazes. And even I ‘ve had sex with a woman. I was a young rigid penis looking for a good time and I figured a few billion straight people can’t be wrong. I liked it but I don’t think I’ll ever go back.
So how about you?

06 Dec 10 By paperbagwriter 3 Comments

PataPORN With Chinpoko

Did you have a Happy Thanksgiving? And if you’re reading this outside of the US, did you have a nice Thursday? I know I did, because after getting a generous helping of food, I helped myself to some cock and balls for dessert—nutritious and delicious! Let’s see what I gobbled up on this week’s PATAPORN WITH CHINPOKO!!!
TimTales: CutlerX and David SF
TimTales: CutlerX and David SF
Ever see a man make out with someone he knows has the power to kill him? That’s kinda how David SF makes out with CutlerX at the opening of TimTale’s latest scene. The kissing is quiet and almost desperate as in “Please don’t kill me with your massive dick.” He even gets on his knees and deep throats CutlerX’s monster with his facecunt. And as CutlerX cockslaps him, you get the sense that he’d happily let David choke to death on his fat hog.
But Cutler is a hot fucker. He’s muscular and really enjoys his bottom—taunting David’s hole with his dick and eating it—before going to work. As he lubes it up he says “Damn, I want that ass… fuck!” Then they kiss so long and hot that my laptop almost melted. David feeds Cutler’s dick right into his hungry hole and then begins making man-sounds like you’ve never heard. And though sexy David takes it like a trooper for the most part, his anguished expression and that fact that he keeps saying “OK, OK, OK… oh fuck, fuck, oh God… fuck!” shows just how hard, deep and wide he’s getting fucked.
I could write an entire epic poem about how mightily Cutler cockwhips David into submission, but save me the similes and just watch it for yourself (extra large dildo not included).
AWESOME – CutlerX’s dick could rip a hole through the space-time continuum. And David is fucking sexy, even when he’s dying.
NOT SO AWESOME – Poor screaming David gets mighty butt-hurt, which can be a turn on or turn off, depending on who you’re rooting for. He doesn’t even get a pillow!

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29 Nov 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!