It’s Breathing! It’s Alive!

QueerClick is back!
We bring very good news. Yep, QueerClick’s back alright (we’re gonna give those Backstreet uncles a run for their money)!
If we could dish out a hug to each and everyone of you, we would do it right away! What the heck, here’s a digital HUG to you lovelies!
If the past two weeks were trying to the bone, then perhaps your well wishes, selfless offers to help, and generous thoughts of contributing to the site (both in monetary terms and in kind) were heartfelt to our core and made it all worth it. We didn’t know how much you guys love QC until now.
Your constant stream of emails to check on our health status and saying you missed us gave us the perserverance to see through the hellish migration process.
You know what? We missed you guys too.
We had wanted to be back as quickly as we could, but time after time, stage after stage we run into problems. From the webhost hunt, to budget issues, to backups, to publishing system installation, to script errors, and the repopulation of database. When we successfully got the content imported, the site layout was all over the house. And eventually when everything was hunky dory and in their rightful places, the site index wouldn’t load with new entries.
We’ve sent more support tickets than the number of toilet visits we’ve made in the last 10 years, and we’ve never loved the Help Manual this much!
But you know what? WE’RE BACK, BACK, BACKETTY BACK! We’re so psyched we swear we’re gonna kiss everyone who walks our way!
We have so many people to thank for making it this far without slitting our wrists:
The great folks at Movable Type (particularly superwomen Kymberlie & Sarah)! Thanks for the unbelievable patience, prompt replies and action, and for holding our hands through the entire migration. Muackz.
The team at Velcom. You guys rock! You’re everything they say you are (under 8 minutes for a ticket reply!? WOW!) and we’re glad to be able to entrust the hosting of QueerClick in your good hands.
To all of you who’ve written in. Thank you for your concern and support. There are too many of you to list down here. We will reply each of you individually. =)
Finally, if you run a blog of your own, it’ll be fantabulous if you could help us get the word out that QueerClick’s back in action. We’ll reciprocate with a link (remember to drop us a note!) and help send some traffic your way too. =)
MUCHO GRACIAS, guys and dolls.
Get ready for a rigorous mouse-workout!

Jun 07, 2005 By Editor D 7 Comments