QC Mail Bag

QC Mail Bag

Dear QC, what a shame that I did not discover your fantastic site until now. It’s great. Exciting photos, nice stories, good links. AND you have an “Art & Literature” section! I’m artist (photo / 3D) living in Amsterdam and if you like what I do, maybe it’s worth a link?
But just decide for yourself: cumrades.com
Though it’s a “dot.com” extension, it’s not a commercial site and of course visiting my site is free for everybody 😉
kind regards

Hi Harald, thanks for your sweet note. Glad you found us and liked what you saw! We’ll be expecting you often then? Thanks for sharing your work. =)

What happened to your domain at queerclick.com? I tried it at first and found it to be some advert site, scared the shit outta me. Thought you guys were gone… – Walshin

It’s great to know that you feel this much for QC. =) The good news is we’re not going anywhere you can’t find us. The page you saw was most probably an Interstitial Ad placed by one of our sponsors. It gets served from time to time to our readers before they can view the site. It’s pretty much ike a TV commercial, but you can always skip and proceed to QC from the ad. The same ad does not get served to the same reader more than once daily. This site and the QC Gallery is free for all to visit, so we hope you understand we need to pull in some sponsors/advertisers to cover the overheads such as webhosting fees which are hefty.

Hey, Awesome job you’re doing here, but I’d just like to ask – where are the uncircumcised dicks? Statistically, there are supposed to be more uncircumcised men then circumcised men, but the majority of guys posted on QueerClick are circumcised. I know that many porn websites are based in America, where many people are circumcised, but would it be possible to post more uncircumcised men?
QueerClick is an awesome blog. Thanks so much.

Hi Michael! Thanks for the compliments. We work very hard at keeping this site interesting for y’all. We have uncut dicks around the site. We do not consciously showcase cut or uncut schlongs per se. Usually, we promote what’s hot and new out there. So they can be either. =) We’ll definitely try to bring you more au naturel men. 😉

I am curious if all the video links are broken or if they just wont play on my PC? All the Quicktime ones seem to be broken and not playing. The other ones you have, the video something they will play. Can you give me a hint as to why the Quicktime ones do not load? – Angelo

Hi Angelo,
All videos we have here are Flash-based (mostly YouTube videos. Recently, we’ve switched to Video Egg which is also Flash-based) so you’ll need the latest flash player/plugin installed before these vids will play in your browser. Some of the vids do get removed (due to objectionable content) and when they do, they won’t load. Hope that helps.

I sent y’all message asking about the 8 black&white photos I uploaded last week. The very least you boys can do is if you’re not going to use them at least respond to my email. I’m about ready to give up on QC. Between the snub and the gross pics you are posting on the main site lately. I no longer enjoy coming here. – Doug

Hey Doug,
Sorry for the late reply. We are swarmed by ‘000s of emails daily in addition to making 10-15 posts a day on site, so pls pardon us for not replying with immediacy.
We shall be approving the user-uploaded images sometime soon, hopefully over this long weekend.
As for the electic mix of content we’re posting on QC, we do not find the need to justify them nor apologise. Readers come and go, it’s a free buffet, and we need not be informed should you decide to stop visiting.

younevergotbacktomeforgetitandyoursite – rtclark

Hi rtclark. The reason why you haven’t heard from us is ‘cos your email address doesn’t work. To get into the gallery after registration, make sure you have activated your account. Try looking for an activation email (junk folder?). Otherwise, furnish us with your ID and email addie used during registration and we’ll do a manual activation if we can locate it. Hope this helps.

Apr 16, 2006 By Editor D 3 Comments