
Hey guys! If you haven’t already noticed, we’re sporting a new look and expanded functionalities! Woohoo~! It’s taken us only one year in the making. LOL!
We could have stayed with the earlier design for a while more, why fix it if it ain’t broken right? But the truth is we’ve been running with it for about 2 years now, and in cyberspace age, that’s a crime!
Any revamp of an established design is a formidable task. There’s always inertia to change. The biggest challenge was to freshen things up without being overtly fancy (bells and whistles can be so tempting), whilst retaining our signature attributes and what you guys love most about the site – its simplicity and straightforward layout. We’ve thought long and hard on this one, toiled incessantly behind the screens, so we hope you like it as much as we do. A lot of the magic actually occurs below the new skin, in the codes — but that’s something we geeks get psyched about!
The site is huge, so we’re still in the process of cloaking every page with the new look and fast-ironing out some kinks here and there (as some of you have discovered: for a few hours our link to previous posts was disabled, but it’s now back). We’re looking at reinstating the Search function (which has been disabled for donkey years due to performance issues and resource hogging), and yes, QC Gallery which we haven’t forgotten.
If you encounter any bugs or technical issues, please let us know! Please bear with us in the meantime! Thanks for your patience.
I so want to thank the entire QC Team for their support and patience, and SPECIAL FUZZY HUGS go out to Jo and Editor A for the most brilliant dedication on this project. You guys are amazing, and my pride and joy. Please get some sleep, guys!
Over here, I’ve been breaking out in rashes big time, but the cause is unknown. My doc reckons it’s psychological – could be due to stress. Now that the new design is launched, I’m hoping it’ll stop. Whatever the case, it’s well worth the itch, I say!
Enjoy the new design, and let us know what you think! =)
Editor D.

Jul 17, 2008 By Editor D 13 Comments