PataPorn With Chinpoko!

PataPorn With Chinpoko
As the days of last week have flown by or been jacked-off into oblivion, QC’s friend Chinpoko has been fed, or fed up, with this week’s latest helping of QC porn. And even though we at QC don’t always agree with him, we appreciate his hunger for all things queer. So take your seat, grab a soda, and get some butter (or lube) because it’s time for PataPorn With Chinpoko!!!!
What are you wearing?
Michael Lucas Fashion
Okay, as much hype as Michael Lucas gets, I still think he’s a sexy beast that could ravage me like a turkey drumstick. Now Michael is starting his own fashion blog. I wonder though—WHAT THE HELL IS HE WEARING? Come on, Michael. He looks a little bit like a cross between Superman meets Red Riding Hood meets The Craft 2 starring Pete Wentz. I don’t get it, but he is real hot—even if he does make a Derek Zoolander face all the time. Someone should tell him about that.
Sleeping on the job
How Do I Roll?
How do I act? Apparently, not very well. Yes I know, I’m going to hell for criticizing this new public service announcement with Franceso D’Macho, Blake Riley, Matthew Rush, Francois Sagat, and Steve Cruz. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they’re all promoting safe sex; Chinpoko NEVER leaves home with out his trusty hat. Yet, when I watch this video, I remember why I love these guys so much, and it’s not their acting ability. Yes, I’m a bitch.

Guyliner? Eh... thanks, but no thanks.
What’s the best way to throw 45 bucks down the toilet?—buy this.
We are pro-animated dicks
QC Art: Manly
THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST EVER!!!!!!! So hot, so hot. I love looking at other dicks just like me and Amy Colburn knows how to deliver! I wish other comic companies would take the hint. Can you imagine? You know Superman is a big hungry bottom and that Batman only goes to glory holes. And Robin well, she’s gay Gay GAY!!
Jocks rock!
Esta mas caliente que dos ratones culiando en el calcetin de lana!! Mario is just too darn hot! I can’t get over how cute this boy is. That body, that cock, and that cute tanned face. If you haven’t watched this video, you might want to pay for a long subscription to Latin Jocks because you’ll want to watch this boy over and over again. He made me shoot in about 3 seconds. I love it!
Uh-oh! Chinpoko’s bag is empty! What’s a Chinpoko to do? I know, I’ll get all hot and horny and be back next time for another helping of porn.
Have a good week, and don’t forget to get turned on!

Sep 14, 2008 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!