Wednesday Wrasslin’ Round-Up: Vive La France!

Ooo la la!
This week, the crème de la crème of French wrestling… two two-part matches each with handsome competitors really putting one another through their paces. The camerawork’s awesome and the action’s pretty damned hot too. Well, without further adieu… voilà!
MATCH 1: Zut alors! Our apertif to this week’s round-up has one competitor really working the arm of his opponent with some nasty throws and hair pulls, until his rival gains the upper hand and starts to work over the heel’s leg with some wicked somersaults. It’s hard to tell which one will come out on top as the domination goes back and forth. Sadly, there’s a small gap in the action between the two videos and the ref gets a little too involved, but c’est la vie!

A very hot second match, after the jump!

MATCH 2: Mon dieu! Here’s a rough bout between two brawlers (one buzzed, hairy stud in red trunks, one smooth, clean-cut hunk in a black suit). There’s plenty of throws, clotheslines, kicks, basket abuse, slingshots, you name it… each done with a certain savior-faire. You can tell the bruiser in the red trunks has a big dick from his bulging basket—he’s got a pretty nice ass, too. A surprising pin proves the coup de grâce. C’est Magnifique!

Sep 25, 2008 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!