Erection ’08: VOTE and GIVE!

Though the above ad is for North Carolinians, fellow paint huffers, white supremacists, and Satanists may be only a county or two away, if not next door.
Hey Americans… VOTE! QueerClick has the following reminders for Election Day:
– It’s not too late to give to No On 8 to help defeat the California anti-gay marriage amendment.
– If you’re not sure where to vote, find your polling place with the Google Voting Map.
– If you are told you cannot vote for any reason, demand a provisional ballot, and contact the Election Protection Coalition at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
– If you are transgender, brush up on transgender voting rights.
Encourage others to go out an vote as well.
Team Orange
PS. Don’t get over confident or else… well… just take a look-see after the jump.

Oct 31, 2008 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!