Wednesday Wrasslin’ Round-Up: The Lightning Kid

Wednesday Wrasslin' Round-Up: The Lightning Kid
Back in the day, when wrestlers actually won matches, minor league television champ, The Lightning Kid, used to be one of our faves. He’s brash, cocky, and has got a nice little body on him too. Sure he’s also got a mullet and rat tail, but that only makes him all the rougher. If he’s this unruly in the ring, you gotta wonder what he’s like in bed. We’d love to know… whatever happened to the Lightning Kid? Did he turn into the 1-2-3 Kid or Billy Kidman, or did they just look alike because of the mullet?

Chaz Taylor vs. Lightning Kid (match one): In this match, the 80’s era west coast jobber, Chaz, faces off against the Lightning Kid just back from his stint in Japan. Note the wiry Kid’s firm ass and muscular body as he ceremonially throws salt into the corners of the ring. Chaz starts in hard on the Kid, but when the Lightning Kid discovers that Chaz has an injured knee at 5:30, will Chaz’s exposed weak spot make him easy prey?

Chaz Taylor vs. Lightning Kid (match two): This isn’t a continuation of the first match, it’s a new match entirely… though not so different, as the kid is up to his old tricks. After all, there’s a belt on the line. The Kid racks himself in this brutal match around the 6:00 mark… very funny. At several points, you can clearly see Chaz’s peen and package through his trunks… very hot.
Another match against a more muscular competitor, after the jump!

Dapper Dan vs. The Lightning Kid: With an old-timey name like “dapper,” you just know that Dan is toast, no matter how many spinning neckbreakers or alley-oops throwing moves he has. The Lightning Kid fights roughs and dirty with chops and flying drop-kicks—and he’s no gentleman about it neither.

Dec 04, 2008 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments