Mark Dalton Approved For Parole

 Mark Dalton Approved For Parole
The Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Parole Board approved hung, gay-for-pay musclestud Mark Dalton for parole starting February 16, 2009. He got himself thrown in the slammer for parole violation on May 31, 2007. He apparently had a two domestic incidents with live-in girlfriends. Though the official charges were “assault causing bodily injury” and “interference with an emergency call,” we imagine his thick cock might have contributed to both. It’s definitely big enough to cause some bodily injury and having his cock in your mouth would interfere with an emergency call. Maybe his girl was trying to call the love police to put him under cock arrest, but he wouldn’t have it. Either way, he broke his parole for GHB possession and got himself tossed in the slammer.
Mark Dalton’s gay-for-pay and up until a shower masturbation scene with Zeb Atlas, he had only ever done solos and body worship videos. He’ll be released February 16th and will serve his parole in his hometown of Denton, TX. Rumor is he’ll be doing a comeback tour of sorts around Dallas area a first few months after his release for “fan appreciation meetings.” He’s served some hard time and we hope he handles himself keeping a firm grip on his criminal tendencies. Christ, we hope he’ll move further up (or down) the gay-for-pay ladder by doing fuck or suck scenes. That’d be a community service of sorts and prove he’s a changed man… hard time well spent.
Thanks to XBIZ and Unzipped.

Jan 28, 2009 By paperbagwriter 5 Comments