Whack To The The Puma Index Without Crashing The Stock Market

A hot item this past week has been The Puma Index, a website that visualizes the ups-and-downs of various world stocks using a handsome stripper. He wears clothes when the market’s up and sheds them when it’s down.
We were prepared to crash the market ourselves using corporate saboteurs until one of our Team Orange geniuses figured out how to download all the videos so we can see stripper at all market phases. That’s right! We’re giving you all of the pleasure with none of the financial ruin!
Now, instead of constantly watching to see what Puma’s stripper is up to, you can just watch our videos. We’ve captured him at every moment—from boom to bust—all the way down to his giving a handjob to a potter’s wheel wearing nothing but Puma Bodywear trunks. While he’s not actually naked, it’s still a yummy ride—he’s proper fit!
The rest of the 12 videos are after the jump…

Oct 02, 2009 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments