Admittedly we haven’t been keeping up with the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal proceedings in the U.S. because politics are a real boner killer. But when Bryan Safi from Current TV’s InfoMania is covering it, we’re all over that like crabs in a foxhole! Bryan’s covered some other hot-button gay pop issues, like the Gayngels phenomenon and “No Homo” disclaimer in hip-hop. And in this segment, he reveals the real reason folks don’t want to let homos in the army… they’re afraid of the gay penis.
And who can blame them? After seeing what gay soldiers do in Active Duty and Military Classified, letting ‘mos into the army will ensure that it’ll turn into a non-stop, international suck and circle jerk… NOT. Safi perhaps puts it best when he asks, “Why go to a gay bar on log onto Manhunt.com when you can fly to Afghanistan and risk your life just to sneak a peek at a straight dude’s dong?”

Feb 13, 2010 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!