QCA Comedy Quickie: Gayngels

Did your mother die? Does your best friend hate you? Did you just lose the love of your life? FORGET IT, GIRLFRIEND! WHEEEEEEEEW!!!! Just throw in a flamboyant gay man and all your troubles will disappear. Anyone who’s ever watched sitcoms and reality TV knows that gay men provide all the insight and comic relief you need when the poop hits the fan and Bryan Safi of Current TV’s show InfoMania discusses these “gayngels” in the recurring segment, “That’s Gay.”
We can’t tell you how many fag hags and fruit flies we’ve stopped from throwing themselves a pity party, just by showing up, shoving a drink in their face, and starting to sing show tunes like Judy Garland on coke (that’s redundant). Oh, it’s a dirty job, but we girls loooooove dirt—dish it, ladies!
Hat tip: Towleroad

Sep 03, 2009 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!