Chinpoko Poll: When Did You First Realize You Were Gay?

Chinpoko Poll: Do You JO Around Your Pets?
Hey folks, it’s Chinpoko again! I’m having a great week even though I haven’t been having lots of sex (a dick’s gotta rest every now and then, eh?). But it’s given me time to think… when did most of you come out? I;m curious because just like cumming, everyone cums out differently. As a cock, the only “coming out” I ever did was coming out of a guy’s pants, and I’ve been cumming out and inside of people ever since!
I’m also intrigued because I’m hoping someone in our QCommunity will leave their coming out stories in the QComments section! You never know, I may even decide to give the best story a prize… PATA, PATA, PATA!

Mar 12, 2010 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments