Great Blowjob For 15 Bucks… Cheap!

A Great Blowjob For 15 Bucks... Cheap!
Have you ever wanted an excellent blowjob but found yourself without a cocksucker? Of course you have! Heck, we feel like every second of every day. In fact, if we had someone to suck our dicks whenever we wanted, we wouldn’t even be typing this.
You have a few alternatives: you could get a boyfriend, but they require lots of time, attention, and “love” (ugh! annoying!); you could hire a hooker, but they might have super-herpes or steal your computer; you could try and learn to suck your own dick, but yoga classes are expensive and you could break your neck. Or you could just lay down 15 smackeroos for the Tenga Deep Throat Cup or Tenga Soft Throat Cup!
The Tenga cups each have super-soft and flexible nubs and ridges to give your cock a great range of squeezing, rubbing, stroking, and pressing motions as your jerk off. The Deep Throat Cup lets you adjust the sucking level with a pressure release cap and the Soft Throat Cup lets you change the squeeze using your own hand! Either way it’s a blowjob you’ll love.
So quit jerking around and waiting for a good boyfriend, hooker, or yoga class. Grab a Tenga Cup and let the enjoyment blow your mind!

May 06, 2010 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment