QCA Film Quickie: Jim Carrey Tops A Muscle Daddy In I Love You Philip Morris

QCA Film Quickie: Jim Carrey Tops A Muscle Daddy In I Love You Philip Morris
I Love You Philip Morris is a film about a con-man (Jim Carrey) who gets thrown in jail and falls in love with the titular character (Ewan McGregor). The film hasn’t been released yet—although the trailer’s available—but it has been praised for it’s frank depiction of gay romance and man sex… and that’s something we can all get behind! Viva cinema!
We tracked down this scene of Jim Carrey slamming a muscle daddy and had to share it with you. It’s not as graphic as we’d like of course, but compared to everything else on QC, what is?

Jun 08, 2010 By paperbagwriter 11 Comments