QCrimes: Tag Adams Loves Prison, Working For FBI

Tag Adams Loves Prison, Working For FBI
You may recall Tag Adams, the ex-porn star arrested by U.S. Marshals for allegedly trying to PNP with a teenage boy. Well, he’s still sending The Sword letters and apparently prison life sounds a bit like a get away resort:

I am doing very well now that I am moved back to general population, on the education block. I am studying advertising, graphic arts, and attending religious services. I had my teeth cleaned and whitened, have a great mental health doctor to monitor my bi-polar meds, take supplements for vitamin intake, had my eyes examined and getting new glasses, and looking to take on a teacher’s aid job. So, I have to sort of laugh at what the prosecutor thinks he is doing to me.

Of course, he’s probably trying to keep his spirits up and to do the best that he can with his time there. But teeth whitening? Really? Amazeballs. He then goes on to discuss how he’s training with FBI—wearing a wire and practicing a script—to work as an agent and take down… well… guys like him.

Aug 02, 2010 By paperbagwriter 9 Comments