Sticky 3.0 – Tissues Not Included

It’s been a month since the launch of Sticky 3.0 so we thought we’d celebrate this little milestone with a new colourful promo video!
We got off to a rough start and have been working really hard the entire month in improving performance, layout, and the overall experience across various devices, and will continue to do so.
Thanks for your constructive feedback but more importantly your patience and continued support. We’ve lost a few readers (so painful to get readers who have been with us for years turn around and write life-threatening emails, curse us with hurtful abusive words cos we “took a good thing and ruined it”), but on the other hand, we’ve gained a whole lot more readers and mobile usage of Sticky is through the roof. So hello to our new readers. Finally, we’d like to thank our very special and loyal group of readers who stuck with us and gave us the luxury of time to work on improving things over here, despite the initial frustration. We’re truly blessed.
It’s been a great humbling, illuminating and learning experience for the team.
I’d like to share a sobering excerpt from Eric Rie’s “Lean Startup” about how difficult it is to launch a site. It goes:
“The longer we worked, the more afraid we became of how customers would react when they finally saw the new version. As our plans became more ambitious, so too did the number of bugs, conflicts, and problems we had to deal with. Pretty soon we got into a situation in which we could not ship anything. Our launch date seemed to recede into the distance. The more work we got done, the more work we had to do. The lack of ability to ship eventually precipitated a crisis and a change of management, all because of the trap of large batches.”
That pretty much encapsulates the challenges and fears we face whenever we do revamps. And especially so for a site like Sticky which hasn’t changed for over three years resulting in pretty entrenched muscle memory in user behaviour. But what we’ve learned is – it’s better to ship fast, fail fast, and iterate fast than to never ship at all.
We’re currently hard at work with the new design of QC 4.0 – Yep, you can imagine how we’re both equally excited AND nervous about the launch now. LOL. So here’s a gentle reminder to myself and Team QC: We have the best job on Planet Unicorn, even when shit hits the fan.
Happy 4th July, everyone!
Editor D
Sidenote: There has been alot of interest in the password protected posts (PPP). These posts are currently available to our VIP subscribers and we are not taking in any new members at the moment. There will be a subscription drive soon to take in new members so please stay tuned for announcements!

Jul 04, 2013 By Editor D 12 Comments