Don’t Be A Douche On Prop 8

For better or worse, the funniest No on 8 commercials will only ever be shown on YouTube. If actual douches could vote and donate to political causes, I’m sure they would support gay marriage and (not just “gay”in the third-grader sense of the word).
FRIDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO DONATE TO NO ON 8. Polls show support for and against Proposition 8 as neck and neck. Your donation would help the final campaign effort to sway undecided voters. Victory would extend positive gay influence throughout the U.S. and the world. Defeat would set the gay rights movement back about ten years.
One dollar, five, ten, twenty… any-sized donation would really help. Please, this is the last day to donate. You can donate at Equality California or No On 8—it’s easy, it’s simple, and it’ll make a world of difference. Even a modest donation could help swing undecided voters to cast a vote for marriage equality that would change the lives of gay couples around the world.
The blog, Towleroad has done great compilations of Proposition 8 news here, here and here. Please give and encourage others to do the same. Thank you.

Oct 31, 2008 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!